About the car:
- Year - 2007
- Make - Toyota
- Model - 4 Runner
- Engine - 4.0 Liter 6 Cylinder
Initial Problem - Customer spends a lot of time traveling. He had recently returned home to find the ABS light permanently on.
Diagnosis & Recommendation - Upon initial inspection we found that there were codes related to the front right wheel speed sensor. As we started to check the wiring leading to the wheel, we found wire loomed that was chewed through. We them continued to find the wire, verifying that it was for the front right wheel speed sensor. We were able to mend the wiring and repalce the wiring loom where it was missing.
Outcome - Once we were able to fix the wiring, we then cleared the codes and restarted the vehicle. We took it for a test drive and found that none of the codes returned.